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RRC don't print diagrams

Diego Superbi (15913) | asked Nov 14 '13, 8:34 a.m.

I'm exporting a use case model as PDF or World document, but it doesn't show me the graphical model, only texts. What can I do to have the use case model image in the exported file?

I'm using the RRC version 4.0.

Best Regards!

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Nov 14 '13, 8:46 p.m.
Hi, Diego

There are plenty of defects around this behavior, for example
this defect was fixed in 4.0.1. Actually there are more defects related to PDF/Word document exporting in even 4.0.1  and the best way is to upgrade to latest 4.0.4. if you can wait for 4.0.5(planned in early Dec), it is recommended to upgrade to 4.0.5 in which there are more fixes related to PDF/Word export.


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