What would be the best way to backup and recover a single project area?
4 answers
Hello Gabriel,
There have been related posts to the forum before. Please see the following which links to a couple of foundation enhancements related to backing up and restoring an individual project. If they do not cover what you're looking for, I would search to see if there is an exhisting enhacement filed. If not, submit your own. There are workarounds but like mentioned in previous comments, they have limitations.
Post: CLM: Project level backup and restore
I hope this helps.
There have been related posts to the forum before. Please see the following which links to a couple of foundation enhancements related to backing up and restoring an individual project. If they do not cover what you're looking for, I would search to see if there is an exhisting enhacement filed. If not, submit your own. There are workarounds but like mentioned in previous comments, they have limitations.
Post: CLM: Project level backup and restore
I hope this helps.