Is there a way to generate MS word extract of entire artifacts in a collection in a specific template?
We have a requirement to extract the requirements (Usecases, Business rules, wireframes etc.) to a word/pdf format from RRC for business review. They would like to see it in a specific format eg:
1 Usecase1
1.1 Business Rules
1.1.1 Business Rule1
1.1.2 Business Rule 2
1.2 Wireframes
1.2.1 Wireframe 1
1.2.2 Wireframe 2
The assumption here is all these usecases and wirframes are liked to each other. so if i select a Usecase to be exported to PDF, is there a way i can get all busienss rules definitions and UI definitions associated with it in a custom format?
2 answers
Hi Minhaj.
There is some information around Doc export in our latest RRC/DOORS video(s) here:
I hope that helps. Notice the TOC under the video to jump around.