How to query RQM requirement link to RRC using RPE?

I'm using RRC and RQM 4.0.2, with RPE 1.2.
I'm trying to generate a table using RPE that list every test case in RQM, and shows what RRC requirements it validates. The "validates" traceability link is in place from the test case in RQM to the requirement in RRC.
I can't seem to get that trace link to come out of the RPE query, however. I can get to the test case using either a data source based on the feed.xsd or qm.xsd schemas. In both bases, I can see a "requirement" subfolder of the test case within the schema, but when I query that, it always comes up empty. There is nothing else in either the feed.xsd or qm.xsd schemas that jump out at me as related to requirements traceability.
Can someone tell me how to get at the "validates" traceability from the QM data source/schema? (Note: I know how to go the other direction starting from RRC, but this table needs to be based on the test cases, not the requirements.)
I'm trying to generate a table using RPE that list every test case in RQM, and shows what RRC requirements it validates. The "validates" traceability link is in place from the test case in RQM to the requirement in RRC.
I can't seem to get that trace link to come out of the RPE query, however. I can get to the test case using either a data source based on the feed.xsd or qm.xsd schemas. In both bases, I can see a "requirement" subfolder of the test case within the schema, but when I query that, it always comes up empty. There is nothing else in either the feed.xsd or qm.xsd schemas that jump out at me as related to requirements traceability.
Can someone tell me how to get at the "validates" traceability from the QM data source/schema? (Note: I know how to go the other direction starting from RRC, but this table needs to be based on the test cases, not the requirements.)