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Errors in Rebuilding Datawarehouse

Hi ,
While rebuilding datawarehouse with command
repotools-jts.sh -createWarehouse
am getting follwoing errors.
Repo Tools
Provisioning using "./conf/jts/provision_profiles".
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries, Version (RJF-I20121026-1636)
CRJAZ1363I Loading the configuration from "file:conf/jts/teamserver.properties".
CRJAZ1779I This server is configured as a JTS.
CRJAZ1971I The server is configured with:
Public URI: "https://clm.xyz.com/jts"
CRJAZ1365I The server is attempting to connect to the following database: "thin:xxxxxxxx@aaa.sss.ddddd.com:1521/JAZZ"
CRJAZ1840W The driver "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" could not be loaded and registered. This JDBC driver jar must be provided in a path configured by the server scripts. Please ensure that the driver is in the expected location of "/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer_prod/server/oracle" or consult product setup instructions to change the location.
CRJAZ1093I The following service class was not activated: "com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.schemagen.PersistentMappingService"
CRJAZ1840W The driver "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" could not be loaded and registered. This JDBC driver jar must be provided in a path configured by the server scripts. Please ensure that the driver is in the expected location of "/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer_prod/server/oracle" or consult product setup instructions to change the location.
CRJAZ1728E An unexpected error has been detected. See the log file "/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer_3_0_1_5/server/repotools-jts_createWarehouse.log" for more details.
One answer

You might want to try searching for that message in the forum. I found this old post that had a resolution: https://jazz.net/forum/questions/90981/crjaz1840w-the-driver-oraclejdbcoracledriver-could-not-be-loaded-and-registered-this-jdbc-driver-jar-must-be-provided-in-a-path-configured-by-the-server-scripts-please-ensure-that-the-driver-is-in-the-expected-location-of-varrdmoptibmdesignma
You will also want to make sure you have the correct compatible Oracle JDBC driver for JTS See this topic for more information: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v3r0m1/topic/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/t_s_server_installation_setup_oracle.html
You will also want to make sure you have the correct compatible Oracle JDBC driver for JTS See this topic for more information: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v3r0m1/topic/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/t_s_server_installation_setup_oracle.html
Petru Acsinte
JAZZ DEVELOPER Nov 01 '13, 2:23 p.m.Please make sure you are using the right driver, as specified by the doc: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v3r0m1/topic/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/t_s_server_installation_setup_oracle.html
The required Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver for both Oracle 10g and 11g is ojdbc5.jar or higher. Also always update the database to the latest database version. For example, if the database server is 11.2, then you should be running or later.
Also, the easiest way to enable this is to create a folder under CLM_install/server named oracle and to copy the JDBC jar file to CLM_install/server/oracle. Then try your scenario again and check the logs.
Petru Acsinte
JAZZ DEVELOPER Nov 01 '13, 2:23 p.m.According to your logs, you should probably put ojdbc5.jar into "/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer_prod/server/oracle". Don't use ojdbc6, that's for Java 6 and as far as I remember 3.0.1.x did not work with Java 6.