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Migrate RTC project from one instance to another instance.

2 answers

this has been asked and answered several times in the forums here already.
Today, in general this not possible. Dependent on which tool you look at, there are ways to export and import parts of the data with losses in the details.
For SCM you can use distributed SCM to bring streams and changes over to another instance, retaining the history. This is called distributed SCM and there is an article in the library how to set that up.
Work Items you can use CSV export/import.
Other RTC/JTS data will be manually.
Other tools, I am not that deep in the details to hint.
this has been asked and answered several times in the forums here already.
Today, in general this not possible. Dependent on which tool you look at, there are ways to export and import parts of the data with losses in the details.
For SCM you can use distributed SCM to bring streams and changes over to another instance, retaining the history. This is called distributed SCM and there is an article in the library how to set that up.
Work Items you can use CSV export/import.
Other RTC/JTS data will be manually.
Other tools, I am not that deep in the details to hint.

Hi Smitha,
You can also try using server rename function if you want to move your entire CLM server (http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v4r0m3/topic/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/c_redeploy_server.html). Anyway I am not sure if it is applicable for your case.
You can also try using server rename function if you want to move your entire CLM server (http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v4r0m3/topic/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/c_redeploy_server.html). Anyway I am not sure if it is applicable for your case.