Create New Project by "Create Lifecycle Project" . not success copying role and permission
Hi, anyone know how to solve this :
I define new custom template , but when i create New project using " Create Lifecycle Project" , the Role & Permission in new project still use the old template Role & Permission ( Role and Permission that i've custom not appear )
But, it work when i create the project 1 by 1 from Create Project Area : RRC, RTC, RQM .
Is that "Create Lifecycle Project" still not support for creating new project with custom Permission & Role ? or am i missing some step ?
3 answers
Hi, thanks for the answer Ayan Paul,
it still not resolved : the permission & role on RRC still not replaced with the New custom permission & role
Here are the steps i did :
Rational Requirement Composer :
- Go to RRC , Define Permission & Role at Project A ,
- Manage Project Areas , Export Process Template from Project A
- Go to Manage Project Areas - Template - Import Template ( using exported process file from Project A) >> New Template Created
Change and Configuration Management :
- Go to CCM , Define Permission & Role at Project A ,
- Manage Project Areas , Export Process Template from Project A
- Go to Manage Project Areas - Template - Import Template ( using exported process file from Project A) >> New Template Created
Manage Lifecycle Projects :
- Go to "Lifecycle Project Administration" -> Template , Download Template ( XML file)
- i modified the XML file add the new process template :
a. in the RRC part , i Add the new process template file name, i extracted from Project A
<dc:title>tempate rrc sdlc test</dc:title>
b. in the RTC part, i Add the new process template file name, i extracted from Project A
<dc:title>template rtc sdlc test</dc:title>
- Save XML file .
- Go to Manage Lifecycle project , " Import Template " , browse to the XML file i modified before.
- Success Import Template
After done Create custom template , i create new project from the New Custom Template
the result :
- in CCM , Manage This Project Areas , custom permission & role appear on here ( success custom New Permission and Role) but in RRC the new custom Permission & Role still not appeared
anyone can help me with this problem ?
Thank you