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Any way to change user ID, and keep history?

I have read some older articles about this, but the answers didn't mach my setup.
We use an e-mail address as login/user ID, and the user has change the mail address, now we want to change the ID, so it match, but keep the users history and other details.
(the notification e-mail address is changed)
Build Information
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries
5.0.2 (RJF-I20141028-1603)
Server VM Version 1.6.0
Vendor IBM Corporation
Name IBM J9 VM
Details JRE 1.6.0 Linux amd64-64 Compressed
Any input are much appreciated.
Accepted answer

Please carefully read https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2012/10/12/changing-the-jazz-user-id-using-the-rtc-plain-java-client-libraries/
2 other answers

Thanks for your swift reply.
I have seen this note :https://jazz.net/forum/questions/76988/how-to-change-an-ldap-userid
The problem is in my setup I dont have this setting:
Change property User Registry Type from LDAP to UNSUPPORTED
My setting says: User Registry Type "DETECT", so I don't know If I should change it from "DETECT" to "UNSUPPORTED".

I would assume so. If you don’t have ldap you need to know also how to change the I’d there.

Based on your description, I really have doubts on how your user registry is set up. Be careful. If the user registry type is truly "DETECT", it means that you are using the built-in file-based user registry of Tomcat, which should be always in-sync with whatever the changes you make in the user profile. Also, I am not aware of any ways to use email-address as a user ID in such user registry. In other words, you may be using a user registry that is not correctly reflected by the User Registry Type property.

The situation is really the same with a file based user registry and LDAP. The user with the ID is already in RTC (RTC stores the ID). You want to change the ID in RTC because you had changed the ID in the external system but keep the user record in RTC.
You have to change the ID in RTC to match the ID in the external system. With a file based user registry you need to change the ID there too, if you want to change it in general.

This link did the trick:
Thanks a bunch for your help