is it possible to use JAZZ based licensing and TOKEN based in parallel?
Accepted answer
Yes, I have done this and useful official links around technical information for Token and License Server here:
Token-Server Installation for Jazz Products:
IBM Rational License Server
Help System:
Domains used by Installation Manager to update Rational Team products
Understand Jazz Floating Server:
TechNote Using the License behind a Firewall
FLEXnet License Administration Guide
One other answer
How it works is that you get two different license types one for tokens - one for floating. So you just allocate the appropriate one to each person - depending on which type you want them to use.
I know a customer who uses tokens, but the GBS team use floating - and this is how we manage the license pools effectively.
Hope this helps
How it works is that you get two different license types one for tokens - one for floating. So you just allocate the appropriate one to each person - depending on which type you want them to use.
I know a customer who uses tokens, but the GBS team use floating - and this is how we manage the license pools effectively.
Hope this helps