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Need best way to handle enhancements in requirements and version controlling using rational tools- RDNG and RQM

Need best way to handle enhancements in requirements:
E.g. : I have a requirement and based on that we have 2 Use cases and 2 Design docs.
And those are now linked to test cases and scripts.
Now there are some changes in requiremnts and I need different version of docs .alongwith old versions . So, is there best way to handle all below dos and data with the version controlling?
Use cases, Design docs, Test cases and scripts.
If yes, How? (Using RQM and Requiremnet Management.
3 answers

Since 6.0.x Configuration management is supported for RM and QM similar to how source code management works. You have streams and can work against them. You can branch and merge etc.

Hi Preeti,
As Ralph said, one way is to switch to "Configuration Management" mode for RM and QM project areas and you can maintain the versions as per the need.
Help Link for CM capabilities in QM and RM : https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.rational.test.qm.doc%2Ftopics%2Fc_about_cm.html
Another simple way is to do Requirement Reconciliation once you have the links between QM and RM set and any changes done, can be handled using this feature. More about it can be read here :
Hope this Helps,
Krupa Gunhalkar

Hi Krupa,
thanks for sharing the link.
Actually I have this scenario:
As explained above I have all req. docs - Use cases, design docs and also the test cases , test scripts created. Now there is a modification in one req. and based on this one req. doc will be upgraded to a new version. and a new req. is also added . Now I have A1.0, A1.1, B1.0, c1.0, D1.0 . (earlier A1.0, B1.0, C1.0)
Now I have test cases and scripts also linked . So I will manually modify cases and scripts .
So, how do I show the traceability in my timelines and version updates ?
Secondly, how do I show a report of this ?
Third, where do I create a timeline so that it should reflect data from from RDNG + RTC + RQM?
I want complete report of this.
Could you please help me with steps for it.
I need help urgenly.

Hi Preeti,
For project timelines and all, refer Project Administration documentation : https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.rational.test.qm.doc%2Ftopics%2Fc_get_start_admins.html
Reconcile option will help you identify which are the artifacts that got modified from the initial phase, and tghe user will have to update/modify the necessary artifacts manually.
If you opt for CM mode activities, maintain an Initial Stream where the data will have initial traceability links without any modifications to any artifacts.
Create another version of QM Initial stream and RM initial Stream and update the data as needed.
Now you will have two versions of QM and RM data. ( one with original content) , second one with updated content.
You can always report on these updates using JRS : Find the Help Link for generating reports using JRS :
If not chosing the CM mode, then see the report help here : https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/index.jsp?re=1&topic=/com.ibm.rational.rrm.help.doc/topics/r_report_descriptions.html&scope=null
Thanks and Regards,
Krupa Gunhalkar

By "timeline", I believe you are looking for what CLM calls a "global stream". So in particular, you create a global stream that has contributions from RDNG, RTC, and RQM (these contributions can be either streams or baselines, or in the case of RTC, snapshots). The global streams are created and manipulated in the GCM (global configuration management) application. See:

Thanks for the suggestion. But when I go through the IBM knowledge center help. It is really confusing to understand streams, global streams, baselines, repository workplace, snapshots.
Can you please elaborate and explain me I detail on how to create and work using these ??
1. I read that to go for global configurations I will first have to get some activation key for my account in RDNG, RTC and RQM(V6.0.2)
So, where to get that and how to activate my account for creation of streams?
2. Streams: Streams contain one or more components and is editable
what are components?what does stream actually contain? And what does a stream do?
Mine is a testing work completely. So, will stream actually help for version controls/ requirement changes / and change tracking i.e. global stream as you suggested..
3. Baselines: I found these are non-editable.
What does a baseline include ? and how do I create that?
Could you please elaborate..How and where to create all these and use effectively.

Procedure to create a stream says: "In the Team Artifacts view, navigate to your project area, right-click Source Control, and click New Stream."
But I don't have any option to create streams/workspaces..

Read this page first: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSYMRC_6.0.6/com.ibm.help.common.jazz.calm.doc/topics/c_cm_overview.html