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How do I add "Planned Start Date" to the list of attributes I can use to build a work item query?

Donald Poulin (2249119107) | asked Mar 06 '13, 5:36 a.m.
retagged Jun 14 '13, 1:59 p.m. by Michael Prentice (622913)

After creating a Traditional project plan and creating a snapshot to get "Planned Start Date" established I want to be able to create a query of Task work items ordered by "Planned Start Date". 

Currently "Planned Start Date" is not one of the attributes listed that can be selected for "Conditions" or "Display" when creating a query.

I can create a query where I can use "Ranking" as a way of sorting but using "Ranking" is not accurate when you have "predecessor/successor" relationships. I really need to be able to use "Planned Start Date".

In the web client I can create a plan "view" that does what I want but a user would have to "switch" back and forth between eclipse and the web to get the "complete picture".  As they work primarily in eclipse a query that can produce the same results as the "view" is what is really needed.

Michael Prentice commented Jun 14 '13, 1:57 p.m.

We need this kind of information too. The Formal Project support in RTC atm is quite poor due to this issue. Developers in Eclipse and VS cannot just run a query to see their work assigned for the week or in a Planned Start/End Date ordering. They must go into the plan for every release/project that they are assigned to and then calculate what their focus and effort should be applied to. Avoiding this is the primary reason that we purchased RTC and we expected this kind of support for Formal Projects out of the box. It does not exist.

We have heard that it may be possible to create a report that would give a developer their assigned tasks in planned start/end date order, but we have not been able to figure that out yet. Finding examples for how to manage Formal Project plans online is also extremely difficult. There are a couple really basic articles on, but they do not talk about the most important parts of doing formal project planning and the areas that we need answers on are just not addressed at all.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 06 '13, 11:38 a.m.
Hi Donald, as far as I can tell, that data "lives" in the plan snapshot. It is calculated in the plan and only available in the plan. It is not available in the work item as real attribute. Therefore it is also not available in work item queries. I think this was true for the ranking attribute in the past too, until it was elevated.
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

Ralph Schoon commented Jun 18 '13, 6:16 a.m.

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