Sorting work items in view layout

My team have asked me how they can sort their work items in the backlog. When I create a new View I get the options to sort by creation date, estimate, planned time, priority, ranking or user defined. I want to be able to sort by a custom attribute. I am not sure what User Defined does. Even if the users could just click on a column heading to sort but there are no column headings in my RTC view.
I am using RTC 3.0.1
One answer

Open Project Area in Eclipse Client > Project Configuration > Configuration Data > Planning > Plan Attributes > Attribute Mapping > Add > add the custom attribute
Open the Plan in Web Client > Edit View > Column Display > Custom attribute is now shown up > Add > Ok > Save
Now in the plan will have the custom attribute as a heading and you can click on it for sorting.
Open the Plan in Web Client > Edit View > Column Display > Custom attribute is now shown up > Add > Ok > Save
Now in the plan will have the custom attribute as a heading and you can click on it for sorting.

Thanks for the reply. I have added it to the attribute mapping but I cant find Edit View on the web client. I never use the web client, sorry that it is such a stupid question!

This doesn't actually solve my problem. Again I am using the eclipse client, I have the correct columns displaying but I there is no header to click to sort by column like in the web client.
Also when I try to set up a new view I can only sort by a limited amount of items and user defined doesn't seem to do anything.