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REST API server 4 does not return user in JSON format

Before we upgraded our server to RTC 4 I was able to run a REST GET to the users service and receive the answer in a JSON table.
https: //<server>:<port>/jts/users/<userid>?_mediaType="application/x-oslc-cm-change-request%2Bjson
The server was upgraded to the version below and since then the response is returned in XML and I did not find any way around it.
Change and Configuration Management - Core Libraries RTC-I20120911-1740 Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries RJF-I20120906-1745 236526: Contributor itemId value corrupted in TeamContributorSelectionDialog wi236526 v20121119_0155
Anybody noticed something similar and has as suggestion?
Should I change the mediaType , should I use a different method with the users service to obtain JSON data?
Binoy D'costa
Mar 22 '13, 11:26 a.m.yes. i seem to have the same issue. My Rest API call Accept headers were JSON format, and it returns in rdf+xml. I can't seem to get around it either. Do you have any update?
Timur Markunin
Apr 05 '13, 11:14 a.m.Hello Alain,
I'm faced the same issue for resource allocation. I used URI
https://clm.local:9443/ccm/rpt/repository/apt that previously returned XML with hrefs that pointed to JSON message.
I have to use different URI now: