What should I do when "Built toolkit directory not found" appears when integrating Jenkins and RTC?
Hi all,
I' ve been following this wiki https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/JazzScmWithJenkinsPlugin and got to the part where one must relate the directory of the build system toolkit. I put the directory location but the "Built toolkit directory not found" keeps appearing.
What should I do?
I have changed the directory place, verified that the location is correct and navigated all the way to there.
The OS is RHEL 6 and the BST is version 4.0.1 for linux. I'm using RTC 5.0.2.
One answer
Thanks Lakshmi! Had been facing the same issue, but it makes sense as my master has no build tool kit installed. Also when using the avoid toolkit on master (experimental) option, it works without the tool kit having to be installed on the master. Clean.
Edit: Also remember that jenkins will need access rights to the build toolkit path. E.g. if the jenkins slave windows service is logged in as user X and the build toolkit is located at user Y folder, then user X will need admin rights to access the toolkit. I faced this issue, and the above same error appears.
Lily Wang
Apr 10 '17, 8:28 p.m.The only known issue related to the "build toolkit directory not found" is happened on the slave server. Please see https://jazz.net/forum/questions/135969/problems-running-build-toolkit-on-linux-jenkins-slave.
In addition, why do you use RTC Build Toolkit 4.0.1 in your environment?
To setup the RTC and Jenkins integration, I suggest you follow the latest wiki https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Team+Concert+Plugin. In the wiki it also mentions that the plugin requires build toolkit 4.0.7 or later version.
Lakshmi Narasimhan T V
JAZZ DEVELOPER Jan 19 '18, 12:07 a.m.The Team Concert plugin requires a valid toolkit on both master and slave. The toolkit path entered in the Jenkins Global configuration page is assumed to be valid in both master and slave unless the toolkit location is overridden for the slave. This can be done in the slave configuration page.