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Slow Response from Help

Chris Hardy (3651619) | asked Feb 22 '13, 12:30 a.m.
retagged Feb 22 '13, 10:05 a.m. by Ralph Earle (25739)
Using CLM 4.0.1, DB2 9.7 and WAS

Does anyone else notice that the help function is very slow.
I have seen that it takes approx 2 mins to bring up the initial window, and when selecting anything from the contents it takes a minute to update the contents in the main window

has anyone else noticed this and have any experience of how to speed this up?

Sterling Ferguson-II commented Feb 22 '13, 9:23 a.m.

One answer

permanent link
Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Feb 22 '13, 3:32 a.m.

If you have not configured to use a local help content, the clmhelp context will use a remote site from IBM. Because this is server based, through the clmhelp application, the server must have access to public Internet. You are not able to configure a proxy server for this, nor you are able to configure username/password for this Internet connection if you have a firewall which needs authentication.

I suggest to disable remote content and install the help content locally.

Disable remote help:

Download of Helpcontent:

Local Install of Helpcontent:

Alternativly you can switch to client based help access and not use the clmhelp application of JTS in Advanced Properties to set in EACH application (JTS, CCM, RM):

Web help URI:

BTW: All is described in Infocenter:

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