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Training Material and Principle of Working

4 answers

Hi, the product pages on Jazz.net provide videos and overviews about the features:
The library provides workshops and other interesting information e.g. here for SCM, including an article describing RTC SCM and comparing it to several other products.
Youtube has a bunch of videos that you can also use.
In General Jazz is a platform that uses REST links between items (oslc), to bridge the gap between domains, rather than replicating data. The applications are specialized for their domain, but are designed to work together using linking. Jazz SCM is designed for more agile purposes and optimized for WAN using HTTPS. It is more lightweigt and uses optimistic approaches versus ClearCase pessimistic locking, which also adds to better performance. However, it provides the users with their own SCM environment (repository workspace) as a sandbox (call it developer branch) but enables them to work together on streams, deciding when tehy want to integrate changes.

The problem with your question above is, you use a terminology that does not quite fit. Are you talking about RTC SCM, or RTC/Jazz in general?
I would strongly suggest to at least read through the different sections of the features: https://jazz.net/products/rational-team-concert/#features to understand the basic concepts and terminology.
Create Repository:
I am not sure what this relates to. If you talk about the Databases: This would be done by an Admin when installing the APPs.
If you talk about RTC SCM and repository workspaces, any user with the permission to do so can create as many as required for themselves. If users don't have the permission any other user with permission could do that for them.
Create Access: A bit of a simplification. Access to what? Typically done by an Admin for a project area or a Jazz Admin in a different context.
Join Repository: Maybe you talk about LDAP sync? This would be done by LDAP admin and synced in automatically or by user.
In other contexts - user - we talk about project areas and joining one: a project admin or role with the permission to do so can add users to project areas/team areas. The user can get an invitation and can access the area immediately.
Create Component: If you talk about SCM components, anyone with the proper permissions can create them. You can limit who is allowed to. This is typically a conscious decision. The usual user would just use the components from a stream in their repository workspace.
Add Artifacts: To what again, what ype of artifact? In SCM context, a new file for example would be created by a user and checked into the repository workspace and later delivered to the stream. Other artifacts can be created by users with the proper access to the tools and role based permissions.
Check-Out & Check-In: There is no check out in RTC so far. The user would load the desired repository workspace to disk and can then access and change files, check them into his repository workspace and finally deliver it to the stream. RTC is not that different to CC. Think "Private Branch" if talking about repository workspace and assume Snapshot views without checkout for Loaded Repository Workspaces.
Baseline: Again, anyone who has permission to do so can create one.
Stream: Is similar to a CC integration Stream/Branch. Anyone who has permission can create one. Users flow their repository workspaces against them. Sinmilar to deliver to a CC stream.
Conflicts: Can arise, therefore we need humans to do development. Detected between repository workspace and stream by the tool. Merging similar to CC. If you accept, integrate, deliver often, the likely hood of conflicts is reduces.
Method of development: Any one you mentioned, but really today optimized for agile and iterative devlopment.
1 vote

Nice! Thanks for that! We get somewhere, I get note and I will do my homework

That's a good point. I will share this with others in user training. It seems you want a walkthrough of the very creation of all the pieces of the RTC program, from scratch.

Jazz Team Server V4.0 Administration and Configuring Projects in IBM Rational Team Concert V4.0