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Installing Jazz 4.0.2 with Websphere 8.0 + Installation MGR - PROBLEM

I'm struggling to determine the correct path in which to install Websphere 8.0, and then CLM 4.0.2.
WAS 8.0 requires Installation Manager 1.4.3. Jazz 4.0.2 requires Installation Manager 1.6.
I cannot have two version of installation manager installed on my system at one time.
The Installation Manager version that was in Passport Advantage that we downloaded is 32 bit, so I can't even upgrade to 1.6 in order to install Jazz.
How is this done?
One answer

Installation Manager itself is a 32bits application, but it can install 64bits packages, such as CLM 4.0.2.

On this page: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v8r0/topic/com.ibm.websphere.installation.nd.doc/info/ae/ae/tins_installation_dist.html
it explicitly says to only use Installation Mgr for WAS, but CLM 4.0 only supports up to WAS

Avoid trouble: You can use the 64-bit Installation Manager Version 1.6 for ONLY the following:
- WebSphere Application Server Version or later.

CLM 4.0.2 requires Installation Manager 1.6. You can download Installation Manager 1.6 for various platforms and bitnesses from here:
To my understanding, if you use Installation Manager 1.6 32bits you should be able to install WAS with a 64bits SDK (Installation Manager will prompt for the bitness of the WAS SDK at some point during the WAS installation process) and then you can install CLM 4.0.2 64bits as described here: