Unable to import RSA models using import engine in RSADM 4.0.1

Problem description Unable to import RSA models using import engine. Receive the following error even though the import engine is configured and running, and RSA is installed and able to open the workspace. Details Number of Resources: Number of Elements: Number of Resources Deleted: Errors Exception:java.lang.NullPointerException at com.ibm.xtools.rsa.rmps. core.RmpsNorvoService.disposeEditingDomain(RmpsNorvoService.java:210) at com.ibm.xtools.rsa.rmps.core.RmpsNorvoService.disposeEditingDomain (RmpsNorvoService.java:205) at com.ibm.xtools.rsa.rmps.core. servicemanager.RmpsNorvoServiceCallable.call(RmpsNorvoServiceCallable. java:74) at com.ibm.xtools.rmps.frontservice.servicemanager.internal. RmpsServiceCallable.call(RmpsServiceCallable.java:1) at java.util. concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:314) at java.util. concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:149) at java.util.concurrent. ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:897) at java. util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java: 919) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:738) Environment: Windows 7 64bit RSA V8.5.1 RSADM 4.0.1
2 answers

Hi Jas,
I suggest this actions:
1.- Review the Import Definition. To import models in a project, this should be configured in "Managed externally using import definition" mode. This configuration is available in "Manage Project Properties"- >Modeling->Domains.
2.- Review the DM logs, find more information in your http server.
3.- The models to import, should be with write permissions
I suggest this actions:
1.- Review the Import Definition. To import models in a project, this should be configured in "Managed externally using import definition" mode. This configuration is available in "Manage Project Properties"- >Modeling->Domains.
2.- Review the DM logs, find more information in your http server.
3.- The models to import, should be with write permissions

Thanks for responding Bruce.
I have checked everything that comes to mind..... including "Managed externally using import definition" mode..
But.... still errors with the above.
- Import Engine is configured and running
- RSA Models are accessible and data is present (in RSA)
- Managed externally using import definition mode is selected
- clmadmin user has sufficient access rights to create folders and items etc.
- Import definition is created and links to a workspace

ok Jas,
please review the DM logs in your http server and try other option for upload models:
In RSA, upon the model, right-click, select the option "Upload to Server"..

I suspect one or more of the models you are trying to import can't be opened properly by the tool.
Please try restarting the server, then import just one model (it's OK if this will result in broken references), to determine if this is the cause.
As a workaround, you can also try specifying the import definition in the web UI and doing the import from there.
Please try restarting the server, then import just one model (it's OK if this will result in broken references), to determine if this is the cause.
As a workaround, you can also try specifying the import definition in the web UI and doing the import from there.