Custom Attributes added to Change Management area for Defect and Enhancements will show up and then disappear

We have created 4 additional custom attributes for our Defects and Enhancement areas in change and configuration management location. 3 are Tags and one is a long string.
1. When co-workers log in, they see the 4 new fields when they click on Create Defect or Create Enhancement.
2. They go and create a query and click Run to see if a defect or enhancement has all ready been logged.
3. They see no defect has been logged so they go and create a new defect or enhancement.
Expected Results: They would see those 4 new fields.
Actual Results: Those 4 fields are gone again.
BUT, this is random, if they go to another product, they may see them, and if they then go back, they will see them. They log 3 issues and then try to log the 4th issue and those fields are gone again. Any clues? We've rebooted our server, we've asked them to log out, clear the cache on IE or Firefox, log back in and same issues occur.
Any help would be appreciated.
4 answers


this seems to me like a caching issue.
Can you check if the same problem is with Eclipse Client?
Also, can you try if clearing the browser cache helps?

Project Configuration-->Configuration Data--> Work Items-->Types and Attributes
On the top right of the list of attributes you will see a click labeled 'Check attributes usages in the repository'
This will check for any Work Items that have not been updated to include your new custom attributes and give you the option to synchronize them if it finds any that are out of sync...
I have found this to fix the problem you are having on many occasions!
Hope that helps,
MIchelle Sheggeby
Aug 01 '13, 6:26 p.m.One more thing to add. Out of 10 people using it, the products are failing randomly. So, not one project is consistent for the users, some just work for some and some do not for others. Everyone has the exact same permissions and process roles.
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 01 '13, 6:29 p.m.Remember to add comments to a particular answer via the "Comment on this answer" button rather than creating a new answer.
sam detweiler
Aug 01 '13, 9:10 p.m.this forum technique is too complex.. sometimes I want to post LONG answers, and 'comment' is too short.
the forum shouldn't have this distinction as it adds no value.
a comment could become an 'accepted answer' with an attribute flag.
everything else is a waste of energy. I don't EVER look at the 'answer'/'comment' word,
I always answer in line where it needs to be.. sometimes I have to take a 'comment' contents and paste it into an 'answer' field cause I need more room..