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Why does the wrong Rational ClearQuest record type form pop up when I create a defect from a Jazz product?

Authors: IntegrationsTroubleshootingTeam
Build basis: The Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) 4.x, Rational ClearQuest 7.1.2.x

This page describes how to configure your Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) and Rational ClearQuest Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) integration to use the form you want.

Initial assessment


  • You are about to create a defect in Rational ClearQuest from a CLM application. After you click the Create New Defect icon, a Rational ClearQuest form pops up, but it is not the form you expect.


  • This issue should affect all users in the same Jazz project area who are selecting the same Rational ClearQuest artifact container.

Timing (when?)

  • If this was working at one point and the form changed, the Rational ClearQuest administrator changed the schema. See Possible solutions.

Data gathering and subsequent analysis steps

Screen shots that identify the following will be helpful to the Rational ClearQuest administrator:
  • In Jazz, which artifact container you selected to create the defect
  • In Jazz, the submit form
  • In Rational ClearQuest, the submit form
  • The Rational ClearQuest web URL, connection string, and user database you expect the defect to be created in

Possible solutions

  • There is only one form available to create a defect, and this is the "Submit" form for the Rational ClearQuest default record type.
  • The default record type is set in the schema by the Rational ClearQuest administrator.
  • If the Rational ClearQuest administrator set the wrong record type, then the administrator can change this in the schema.
  • After the Rational ClearQuest administrator upgrades the user database to use the new schema, you may see a message stating that the database has been upgraded and you need to log out and log back in. This message is asking you to log in to Rational ClearQuest, not Jazz.
  • To do that, clear your browser cache. This will prompt you to log in to Rational ClearQuest.
  • After the new login, you will be able to use the new form.

Note: A browser session time out might also prompt you to log in again.

Related topics:

External links:

Additional contributors: AntoinetteIacobo

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