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Authors: GeraldMitchell main.
Build basis: Collaboration Lifecycle Management (CLM) 4.0 Jazz Team Server(JTS) 4.0 Rational Team Concert(RTC) 4.0

This is guidance to understand the indices used in CLM (Jazz).

Understanding Indices and Stores

There are several stores and indices associated with your Jazz applications.

Indices and their function

Indices will be a direct correlation with the performance of the application. Essentially, the index is a look-up table for the information that can be more easily queried and result in faster responses.

General notes on rebuilding the indices.

There are a few ways of rebuilding an index within the Jazz system, and several points where it is desired or necessary.
  • You may be presented with an option to rebuild the index through the Setup wizard.
  • The Administration Web User Interface has the capability to initiate an online index rebuild.
  • The command line interface through repotools has options to rebuild the index.
Rebuilding the index may be needed if the index has been deleted, become stale, become fragmented, or if the data structure has changed.
  • For an initial install, the creation of an index is necessary
  • For some upgrades, the rebuild of the index may be presented in the Setup
  • After a database version change rebuilding the index may be needed.
  • After a database migration rebuilding the index is required.
See the Possible Problems with Indices section for more information.

Backing up the Indices

Before rebuilding an index, consider backing up the indices.

There may be cases where the previous index is needed by support or a situation that desires a reversion to that index, such when the indexing is taking longer than can be afforded to wait. Note that the indices should be part of your normal backup schedule for the Jazz system and coordinated with the Database backup.

Note that there is a way to rebuild the indices through the Administrator Web UI, which will allow the system to be still operational while rebuilding the index. In this case, from the command line while the server is currently running, use repotools -suspendIndexer, then backup the indices (possibly using repotools-jts -backupJFSIndexes) and then repotools -resume Indexer.

Query Triple store and index

The query triple store index can be rebuilt using repotools command parameter -reindex scope=query.

Full Text index

The full text index can be found where ever your setting in the teamserver.properties of your application says it is located in the property com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexLocation

Note: For high availability applications, have the Jazz Team Servers reference the same location for the full text index. To keep the index up to date and available for all servers, each server teamserver.properties should update the com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexLocation in teamserver.properties to store the index for the full text on a single shared drive location.

More information on the full text search can be found in Technote 1586008

Lucene Text store and index

  • What is Lucene?
  • Team Server Properties for Lucene
    • teamserver.properties to be aware of include com.ibm.team.jfs.lucene.directory and com.ibm.team.jfs.lucene.history.directory.
  • Rebuilding the Lucene index

Performance considerations

    • Because the Lucene is used for a lot of lookups, to increase performance:
      • The Lucene Index Directory com.ibm.team.jfs.lucene.directory path should be on fast storage
      • The Lucene History Index Directory com.ibm.team.jfs.lucene.history.directory path should be on fast storage
      • The full text location should be on fast storage

Database index

    • The database index is used to locate artifacts within the database quickly.
    • The database index may need to be reindexed in cases where the database index has become fragmented. * Database indices are rebuilt using the repotools -rebuildIndices command. see rebuildIndices for more information. * Also consider using the full -reindex in cases where database indices need to be rebuilt, because a database index is used as a reference point.

repotools functions

repotools reindex

  • Repotools-(applications) -reindex: Repository tools command to regenerate indexes.
    • The application must not be running before the command is run.
    • Use the reindex command to regenerate stores.
    • By default, the query triple store and the Lucene text store are regenerated
    • The "scope" parameter can be used to rebuild the query, the text indexes, or both.
      • all: to rebuild all indexes (default) - "all" in this case encompasses query triple store and the Lucene test store indexes
      • query: to rebuild query triple store indexes
      • search: to rebuild Lucene text store indexes
      • An example
        repotools-jts.sh -reindex scope=query
      • This parameter is useful to limit the scope of the reindex to the needed store indexes, making the reindex time shorter
    • The "all" parameter to reindex both live and history indices
      • An example
        repotools-jts.sh -reindex all
    • The "baselines" parameter is allowlist (inclusive-only) set of baselines to reindex
      • A comma separated list of baselines URI, without spaces.
      • An example
        repotools-jts.sh -reindex baseline=http://jazz.net/jts/dashboards
      • This parameter is useful to limit the reindex to the needed baselines, making the reindex time shorter

repotools rebuildTextIndices

  • Repotools-(applications) -rebuildTextIndices: Repository tools command to rebuild text indexes in the event of them becoming fragmented. This command rebuilds the entire Lucene text index from the database, for use in full text searches across all artifacts.
    • The application must not be running before the command is run. ( you can check using repotools command -isServerRunning)
    • An example
      repotools-jts.sh -rebuildTextIndices

repotools compacttdb

  • Repotools-(applications) -compacttdb: Compact the TDB
    • The application must not be running before the command is run. ( you can check using repotools command -isServerRunning)
    • The TDB indexes can grow to be large. The compacttdb command alleviates this problem by forcing a compaction of the indexes.
    • srcdir The directory containing the RDF indexes to be compacted.
    • tempdir The temporary directory to use while compacting the RDF indexes
    • An example
      repotools-jts.sh -compacttdb srcdir={location of RDF indexes} tempdir={location of temporary directory}

repotools rebuildindices

  • Repotools-(applications) -rebuildindices: Repository tools command to rebuild database indexes in the event of them becoming fragmented.
    • The application must not be running before the command is run. ( you can check using repotools command -isServerRunning)
    • An example
      repotools-jts.sh -rebuildindices

Possible Causes and Solutions

The queries are slow or having issues

  • The query triple store indexes need to be re-indexed

Items seem to be disappearing

  • May also manifest as known artifacts that cannot be found through search or related items
  • The database index may need to be rebuilt. All of the indices may need to be rebuilt.
  • If this condition persists, or continuously occurs, contact support.

Text searches are not finding the correct artifacts

  • May also manifest as not finding artifacts during searches in which the searched text is known to exist
  • The full text index needs to be rebuilt.

The TDB has grown too large

  • The TDB needs to be compacted

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