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Usage Guides for ELM JMX MBeans

Authors: TimFeeney
Build basis: 6.0.5 and later

While JMX MBeans Reference Guides defines each available MBean, Usage Guides provide guidance on how they can be used for different scenarios and goals.

  • Potential future usage guides include:
    • common troubleshooting scenarios that would be aided by use of available MBean data
    • application specific guidance for DOORS Next, EWM, ETM, etc.
    • monitoring the health and well being of your reporting subsystem
    • monitoring non-EWM clustered environments, if different than EWM
    • monitoring in a configuration management enabled environment
    • monitoring CCM environments with high volume of builds supporting CI/CD

To be most valuable, usage guide content needs to be driven by experience using the MBeans to monitor a variety of production deployments. For any client/admin using these JMX MBeans to monitor/manage production deployments, please contact Tim Feeney (tfeeney@us.ibm.com) to share your experience.

Related topics: JMX MBeans for ELM application monitoring
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Pdfpdf ELM-MonitoringGuide.pdf manage 1124.7 K 2023-09-06 - 20:26 TimFeeney sample ELM monitoring guide as of 9/6/2023
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