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IBM Quick Deployer updated.png

Authors: ThomasPiccoli, KennethThomson, JenniferLiu, KenTessier, ClareCarty
Build basis: CLM 6.0, CLM 6.0.x, CE 6.0.x

IBM Quick Deployer automates installing and deploying IBM Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) and IoT Continuous Engineering (CE) solutions version 6.0.x and CLM version 6.0 on Red Hat Linux 6.6+ using IBM UrbanCode Deploy. You can use IBM Quick Deployer to deploy CLM 6.0, CLM 6.0.x and CE 6.0.x on user-supplied VMs, either locally or in the cloud. The automation can also install and configure middleware, including IBM WebSphere Application Server, IBM HTTP Server, and IBM DB2 database server or Oracle database server. IBM Quick Deployer supports the standard Jazz deployment topologies; however, because it uses an UrbanCode Deploy tagging mechanism, you can distribute applications across multiple servers and many different topologies are possible. Currently only new installations are supported and only one instance of each Jazz application is supported per topology. Upgrade support is being considered for future releases.

IBM Quick Deployer is developed and used internally by the CLM DevOps pipeline team. IBM Quick Deployer provides a flexible mechanism for building topologies and easily switching between deployment platforms. IBM Quick Deployer is available as an unsupported utility that can be downloaded from Jazz.net, so you can now use the same automation to deploy and configure new installations in your own environment. IBM Quick Deployer removes the need to understand all the middleware and application configuration details, eliminates human error, conforms to recommended topologies, and provides a repeatable process.

IBM Quick Deployer overview

  • IBM UrbanCode Deploy-based new installation and configuration package for CLM and CE (no upgrade support)
  • Support for installing iFix releases for CLM applications and Design Management and IBM Rhapsody Design Management applications
  • Used internally as part of the CLM continuous test pipeline
  • UrbanCode Deploy-type tagging allows you to control which applications are deployed and where
  • Eliminates dependence on preinstalled middleware images
  • Installs WebSphere Application Server
  • Installs IBM HTTP Server (reverse proxy)
  • Installs a DB2 or Oracle database server or connects to an existing DB2 or Oracle database server
  • Connects to a provided LDAP server
  • Delivered as an unsupported Jazz.net download

New in QD v1.3

  • Support for Oracle database server
  • A setup script that automates the creation of the Quick Deployer application in IBM UrbanCode Deploy. The script eliminates the need to perform several steps manually. This wiki contains two sets of instructions for setting up and running IBM Quick Deployer. One set of instructions describes how to use the new setup script. The other set of instructions describe the manual steps.
  • Support for installation of iFix releases for Design Management and IBM Rhapsody Design Management applications.
  • The iFix installation process is now controlled by a configuration file that will allow most future fix packs to be described and installed. For more information see IBM Quick Deployer IFix Support

System requirements

Limitations and known issues

Package content

Application setup and run

IBM Quick Deployer V1.3 includes a setup script that eliminates the need to perform some steps manually. This wiki contains two sets of instructions for setting up and running IBM Quick Deployer. Choose one of the following two paths:



  • Throughout the IBM Quick Deployer wiki the screen captures are for reference only.
    In some cases if the functionality they display has not changed in the latest release they will be from a previous release

Related topics:

External links:

Additional contributors: MichelleCrane, NathanBak, ChristianLopez

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