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IBM Quick Deployer change default SQL Server database parameters uc.png

Authors: ThomasPiccoli, KennethThomson, JenniferLiu, KenTessier, ClareCarty
Build basis: CLM 6.0, CLM 6.0.x, CE 6.0.x

The values contained in the default database parameters are used to configure the connections between the installed CLM applications and their individual databases. If you are going to use the Quick Deployer-installed SQL Server database then there is no need to change them prior to running the UCD application Install Applications process. However, you should have your database administrator review the configuration to make sure it conforms to internal security and reliability policies.

If you are going to use an existing SQL Server database instance then you need to ensure that the default database parameters are updated to match the configuration used by your database instance. To do this follow the instructions in this topic.

Change default database parameters

  1. Open application Rational_QD_60x, click Environments, then click the Request Process icon for the target environment.

    run process

  2. In the Process field, select Change Default SQLServer Parameters.

    change parameters

  3. If you fixed the component versions on the process you will not be prompted to choose versions. If offered to choose the component versions, then select Latest Available.

    choose version

  4. Modify the process property default values to match your database.

    The SQL Server databases are created using this command CREATE DATABASE ${app}DBName GO which is populated using these property values:

    For example: CREATE DATABASE $jtsDBName GO.

    The SQL Server user and password are created and change the ownership of the database by using this command CREATE LOGIN ${app}DBuser WITH PASSWORD = '${app}DBpswd'; USE ${app}DBName; exec sp_changedbowner '${app}DBuser' GO.

    For example: CREATE LOGIN $jtsDBuser WITH PASSWORD = '$jtsDBpswd'; USE $jtsDBName; exec sp_changedbowner '$jtsDBuser' GO

    The SQL Server collation is changed using this command ALTER DATABASE ${app}DBName COLLATE $sqlserverCollation GO.

    For example: ALTER DATABASE $jtsDBName COLLATE $sqlserverCollation GO

    The SQL Server row version system for the JTS, CCM, QM, RM, DCC, LQE, LDX, RELM, DM, GC, and DW databases is changed by using this command ALTER DATABASE ${app}DBName SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ON GO.


    The properties are as follows:
    • sqlserverInstanceName : SQLServer instance name
      Default: "CLMINST"
    • sqlserverCollation : SQL Collation. CLM databases require case-sensitivity, and the default for SQL Server is case-insensitive collation. Note that SQL_Latin1_General_CP437_CS_AS is an example; any CS_AS collation can be used.
      Default : SQL_Latin1_General_CP437_CS_AS
    • jtsDBName : name of the jts database
      Default: "jts"
    • jtsDBuser : jts user name
      Default : jtsDBuser
    • ccmDBName : name of the ccm database
      Default: "ccm"
    • ccmDBuser : ccm user name
      Default : ccmDBuser
    • qmDBName : name of the qm database
      Default: "qm"
    • qmDBuser : qm user name
      Default : qmDBuser
    • rmDBName : name of the rm database
      Default : rm
    • rmDBuser : rm user name
      Default: "rmDBuser"
    • dccDBName : name of the dcc database
      Default : dcc
    • dccDBuser : dcc user name
      Default: "dccDBuser"
    • lqeDBName : name of the lqe database
      Default : lqe
    • lqeDBuser : lqe user name
      Default: "lqeDBuser"
    • ldxDBName : name of the ldx database
      Default : ldx
    • ldxDBuser : ldx user name
      Default: "ldxDBuser"
    • lqeDBName : name of the lqe database
      Default : lqeDB
    • relmDBName : name of the relm database
      Default on: "relm"
    • relmDBuser : relm user name
      Default : relmDBuser
    • dmDBName : name of the dm database
      Default on: "dm"
    • dmDBuser : dm user name
      Default : dmDBuser
    • gcDBName : name of the gc database
      Default : gc
    • gcDBuser : gc user name
      Default : gcDBuser
    • dwDBName : name of the datawarehouse database
      Default : dw
    • dwDBuser : datawarehouse user name
      Default : dwDBuser
    • sqlserverPort : database connection port
      Default : 1433
    • amDBName : name of the am database
      Default : am
    • amDBuser : am user name
      Default : amDBuser

  5. Click on Submit and wait for the process to run to completion

    wait for completion



  • Throughout the IBM Quick Deployer wiki the screen captures are for reference only.
    In some cases if the functionality they display has not changed in the latest release they will be from a previous release

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Additional contributors: MichelleCrane, NathanBak, ChristianLopez

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