r3 - 2013-05-13 - 18:08:52 - Main.sbeardYou are here: TWiki >  Deployment Web > DeploymentTroubleshooting > UpgradeTroubleshooting > CLMUpgradeTroubleshooting > AfterTheUpgrade > AfterTheUpgradeRRC

new.png After the upgrade - Rational Requirements Composer

Authors: Upgrade Troubleshooting Team
Build basis: CLM 4.x

This page will discuss some troubleshooting steps to take when issues are incurred after the upgrade.

Using the applications

After the upgrade, you attempt to use Rational Requirements Composer and are unable to use certain product functionality.

RRC graphical editor plugin for IE and FF (RM Browser Add-On)

When the RRC plugin for browsers is applied pre-upgrade, it may not function post-upgrade.
The RRC browser plugin needs to be re-deployed after the upgrade.
Resolution: Follow the RM Browser Add-On Installation, FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for instructions on how to re-deploy the add-on. More information can also be found on the RM Browser Add on wiki page.

Related topics:

External links:

  • None

Additional contributors: StephanieBagot

Questions and comments:

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