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Control access to a project area for another project area

Donat Hutter (2153539) | asked Jan 16 '13, 10:54 a.m.
On the project admin page I can control access to the project with the option "Members of the project area hierarchy and users in the access list".
It seems that only dedicated users can be entered. Is there an option to enter a whole team/project area or a defined access group?

I would like to grant access to a complete project area, because the 2 projects have to collaborate. Any other option to grant access to the complete project team of another project area?

Accepted answer

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Vladimir Zahariev (1503) | answered Jan 16 '13, 1:10 p.m.
Unfortunately what You want to achieve is not possible today.
There are a number of related work items, which request similar functionality.
Please  review and add your comments to the:
[JAF] [Process] Finish Access Groups (243323)
which contains the request for allowing the access control to be defined by an access group.

I found also:
Add members to projects/teams by Team Area Name (96575)
Allow bulk adding of project members (176067)

You are welcome also to file a new enhancement request if none of the above describes your needs.
Best regards,
Donat Hutter selected this answer as the correct answer

Donat Hutter commented Jan 17 '13, 3:27 a.m.

 Thanks for this references. Added a comment on the plan item 

One other answer

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9185200) | answered Jan 16 '13, 11:50 a.m.
Suggestions:  If your project configurations are "close" to out-of-the-box, project admins and certain roles can alter project memberships by picking from the registered users in the repository.   You could give the responsibility to the administrators of the project(s).  Either way, it's piecemeal, but the User Picker can show up to 250 users at a time.

4.0.1 has "Access Groups" but I haven't explored them very much and don't know what their purpose might be.

Donat Hutter commented Jan 16 '13, 12:18 p.m.

I'm aware of the membership mechanism, and also the access group usage (see It is not the idea to alter a projects team structure, but grant read access to all users from a partner project.

As a workaround we select "Everyone" for the project area access control, instead of putting all users of the neighbor project to the access list.
I would like to have an option to add also teams to the access list (as it is possible for the Access Groups).

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