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If I am working with two CCM applications in the same JTS do they create different WI with the same ID?

One answer

Also, when creating a project area, you will be able/required to decide which CCM application will this PA be in.

Said another way: Work item ID are unique within the RTC repository. So, it is 100% probability that same work item ID will eventually be used in any RTC repository.

So my understanding is that if I use a topology with two CCMs I'll probably have two different WIs with the same id in both CCMs. In order to allow users reference/search WIs (defects, CRs) by ID and don't let them confused because of that behaviour,is it possible to enforce unique ids across CCMs? If not, is there any recommendation to minimize this issue?

No, there is no way to avoid that, that I would be aware of. If you wanted to avoid that, the performance impact would also be considerable, however the URL's of the work items are unique and the number is unique in each project area, too.

As far as search is concerned, there is no way to query multiple project areas anyway, so there is no potential for confusion here.

not DURING the query, correct..
But later we could be talking, and using the same ID, but be talking about different content.
1 vote
sam detweiler
Nov 06 '13, 9:13 a.m.yes, each CCM has its own number manager, and they both start at 1. so, there will be different workitems with the same 'ID'
1 vote
paulo lacerda
JAZZ DEVELOPER Nov 07 '13, 11:29 a.m.So my understanding is that if I use a topology with two CCMs I'll probably have two different WIs with the same id in both CCMs. In order to allow users reference/search WIs (defects, CRs) by ID and don't let them confused because of that behaviour,is it possible to enforce unique ids across CCMs? If not, is there any recommendation to minimize this issue?
sam detweiler
Nov 07 '13, 11:35 a.m.you cannot set the starting number on a CCM, they both start with 1.
the best practice is don't talk about the number.
you cannot search multiple CCMs at once.. and really only one project, unless you use a reporting system (RRDI, Insight or other), so you will never see the more than one of an ID in the same query.
( we had a 5 CCM topology.. fun)
1 vote