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I have been added to a project area but I am not in any Lifecycle project?

Ankit Jain (6423639) | asked Jun 27 '12, 4:27 p.m.
I have been added to a project area but I am not in any Lifecycle project? Is this normal? Is this supposed to & likely to happen? What can stop me from appearing in any lifecycle project?

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Arne Bister (2.6k12832) | answered Jun 27 '12, 5:50 p.m.

technically, the artifact containers of a lifecycle project are project areas of the respective applications (ccm, rm, qm). It is possible to add a user as a member to one of the project areas directly, without having him become a member of the containing lifecycle project.

If you think you should be part of the lifecycle project (i.e. you need access to requirements and test artefacts) you should talk to your project administrator and have you add as a team member via lifecycle project administration:


- Arne

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