repositoryAddress set to wrong address , how do I correct?

I have a weird problem in a new installation, that I never had in previous installations..
I installed a Jazz Team Server on Linux, and to use for z/OS "target" ( builds of COBOL programs in z/OS) and I had a wrong entry in the /etc/hosts table, the installation ran just fine, and everything looks fine , finished setup all ok.
I can access the server from Browser, I can share zComponent projects just fine, can checkin, deliver fine.
When I started doing builds on z/OS It failed and I discovered that the variable repositoryAddress is set with wrong host ( repositoryAddress = ) this the wrong entry we had in the /etc/hosts of Linux, this was captured somewhere and recorded somewhere. Even after correcting the /etc/hosts the repositoryAddress is incorrect like shown above. I checked the Universal URI on Jazz Team Server and it is CORRECT ( ) .
How can I correct the variable repositoryAddress ?
I know this variable is incorrect because it show up in the build logs, and if I force the correct address on build definition in the Properties Tab the Build run just fine.
I installed a Jazz Team Server on Linux, and to use for z/OS "target" ( builds of COBOL programs in z/OS) and I had a wrong entry in the /etc/hosts table, the installation ran just fine, and everything looks fine , finished setup all ok.
I can access the server from Browser, I can share zComponent projects just fine, can checkin, deliver fine.
When I started doing builds on z/OS It failed and I discovered that the variable repositoryAddress is set with wrong host ( repositoryAddress = ) this the wrong entry we had in the /etc/hosts of Linux, this was captured somewhere and recorded somewhere. Even after correcting the /etc/hosts the repositoryAddress is incorrect like shown above. I checked the Universal URI on Jazz Team Server and it is CORRECT ( ) .
How can I correct the variable repositoryAddress ?
I know this variable is incorrect because it show up in the build logs, and if I force the correct address on build definition in the Properties Tab the Build run just fine.
2 answers

repositoryAddress is set up as part of the Build Forge Agent configuration. It is the address that the BFA will attempt to contact when it is performing SCM operations required as part of the build. Please check the documentation describing how to configure the BFA.
A temp fix to confirm reconfiguring the BFA will work is to add a build paramater to the Build Definition... repositoryAddress = https:/.......

tks Guy,
I digged on the documentations and configurations on Builf Forge Agent ( it is in z/OS ) and could not find any configuration for this data. The only place I had to configure the repository address ( it is in a Linux machine) was in the JTS installation in the form of Public URI, and it looks fine.
If I add the repositoryAddress in the build definition the build works, but the Load zFiles still fails...
I am guessing that the Agent got the repository address "automatically" , and from the Team Server ( other guess, because cant figure out how it got the wrong address) and it kept somewhere, does it make sense? Now I need to somehow reset it...