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Problem in launching rtc-screencapture.jnlp. Need help.

Sandhya Divakar (6617) | asked Mar 18 '19, 6:46 a.m.

Its important to get the RTC url screencapture working, it was working not long ago in Firefox browser and all of a sudden when the rtc-screencapture.jnlp is run, it isn't bringing up the capture box .
FF brower has been cleared , it seems to be using a Ice Tea Web Start java which isn't working .

OS: Linux RHEL v7

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Sandhya Divakar (6617) | answered Mar 18 '19, 6:48 a.m.
The below step helped in resolving the issue.

Go to (Firefox) Preferences --> Applications --> JNLP file --> Use Java 8.

Now go to your Java 8 directory --> bin --> javaws. This will open your jnlp file.
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9185200) | answered Mar 18 '19, 1:06 p.m.
One might have to add the RTC Url as a trusted site in the java control panel.
Open the Java Control Panel,  click on Security
Click on Edit Site List...
Click on Add to add the https://your-rtc-host-name  to the list.

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misha rajpoot (341) | answered Mar 18 '19, 8:14 a.m.

 Sandhya Divakar it's not working for if you have any other solution please tell.

Sandhya Divakar commented Mar 18 '19, 8:36 a.m.

Can you check if your firewall is blocked and do you see any pop-ups in your browser?

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