What's the mechanism to trigger a build in JBE?
We use Jenkins + Jazz RTC and want to know when JBE will trigger a build?
If we create 5 components in RTC and we only want to build one of the component.
We can use "Components to exclude" to exclude other components, it works.
But even we only load 1 component, if other components are changed, the build will still be triggered.
Is this a normal behavior?
Btw, is it possible to use "include component", not "exclude component"?
Because if there are lots of components, we need to exclude several components and change every components when we have a new component.
Accepted answer
Hi Dennys,
The trick to this problem is to scope the flow of your build workspace. Open your build definition's build workspace in the Eclipse UI. Scroll down to the bottom and you'll see a section for Flow Targets. You probably only have one stream listed as the one flow target for your build workspace, select it and click Edit... By default, the "Flow all components" radio button will be selected. Instead, select "Flow only components checked below" and deselect all components except the one(s) you want to accept from, load and build. It sounds like this is exactly what you need.
You may be able to clear the "Components to exclude" field now.
The trick to this problem is to scope the flow of your build workspace. Open your build definition's build workspace in the Eclipse UI. Scroll down to the bottom and you'll see a section for Flow Targets. You probably only have one stream listed as the one flow target for your build workspace, select it and click Edit... By default, the "Flow all components" radio button will be selected. Instead, select "Flow only components checked below" and deselect all components except the one(s) you want to accept from, load and build. It sounds like this is exactly what you need.
You may be able to clear the "Components to exclude" field now.
You may also want to subscribe to or comment on the following enhancement request: Provide more control over whether a build proceeds when changes accepted into excluded component (205217)
It works, thanks.