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Can I, Using RTC 4.0.1, make a "Copy WI" from the Web UI?

Asaf Kivity (3311016) | asked Jan 11 '13, 3:58 a.m.
 Hi Guys,
Can I in some way add  a "Copy WI " Feature to RTC 4.0.1? 
Has anyone done, and if so, how?


2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 11 '13, 4:20 a.m.
Hi Asaf,

no. This effort is tracked in enhancement 113766. you can add your interest to the work item.

permanent link
Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Jan 11 '13, 5:46 a.m.

A workaround for this "since loooooooong time missing feature" I described in:

Enable the Copy of "Move or Copy this Work Item to another project Area" Button to the actual Project Area

What we did, we created a small ProjectArea with the same process than all the other process Area's (inheriting form same parent). Now you can copy your workitem to this new project area and move it back. This can be done with the move/copy button on the workitem editor. The nice thing is you will see in quick infor, tht you copied it.

The bad thing is, the copy button does not show the own PA in the dropdown list. I thought this would be a 5 minute change somewhere in the JAVA code to have the own PA also listed in this dropdown box, but my idea to implement this workaround as a low hanging fruit is not realy seen by the development. Maybe some others could motivate them?

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