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Problem setting Sync User for Clearcase to RTC

RTC – (Win server)
Clearcase – (Unix Server)
Client – Eclipse on Window XP
I am trying to configure our Clearcase and RTC setup to allow me to set up synchronization. However I am struggling to get a suitable account to work as the sync id for the Jazz synchronisation.
For RTC we login using ldap suthentication with an email style userid.
For Clearcase our userids are windows domain accounts in the format XX123456 with different authentication.
If I use a userid in RTC format which is valid for RTC it is not valid for clearcase and does not have the authority to execute cleartool commands
If I use a userid for Clearcase it errors saying that the id was not found. I’m presuming the “not found” refers to it not being found in the RTC LDAP user authentication.
Does anyone know of a way I can get the synchroniser to work.
One answer

The Windows account is used to access Rational ClearCase. You should be logged in to Windows as this account when you create a synchronization stream or modify the properties of a synchronization stream. You also specify this account when the synchronization stream creation wizard asks you for a ClearCase account. You can use your own Windows account, if it has sufficient ClearCase permissions. In particular, it must have permission to perform all of the following Rational ClearCase operations on the synchronization host:
Create views
Access VOBs
Check in and check out elements
Create baselines (UCM only)
Lock and unlock the stream being synchronized (UCM only)
Create and remove attributes on the branch being synchronized (non-UCM only)
Lock and unlock the branch being synchronized (non-UCM only)
You should have two RTC accounts:
1. RTC user account. This RTC account is what you use to login interactively, to create the synchronization stream, modify properties of the synchronization stream, etc.
2. synchronization process account. This RTC account is used by the synchronization engine to actually perform the synchronizations. The synchronization stream creation wizards will ask you to specify this account (and its password).

Doesn't it use the account that logs into Windows to do the ClearCase stuff?
The Information Center says
To successfully run the synchronization engine process on the synchronization host, you must select an account under which the process can run. This account must have permission to perform all necessary Rational® ClearCase® operations on the synchronization host.

Yes. It uses the account that logs into Windows to do the ClearCase stuff.

Hi, Thanks for your answers. However if I use the account that I have logged into windows as the userid for the Jazz Synchronization Engine I get an error saying that "Synchronization Engine User id specific (xxxxxxxx) was not found. Please try again."
I have entered the Id in the same case as is used to log in to windows. I have also tried the Clearcase admin account we have and get the same response.

Hi David,
The Jazz Synchronization Engine User ID is the RTC account you would have created. ccsync is the suggested name for that account. The process that the engine starts runs as the user you are logged in as. So you only have to worry about logging into Windows as a user that has permissions to access the VOBs that you want to sync with. And you will need permissions to create a view.
Note: You should not log into RTC as the ccsync user.
The Basic steps are as follows:
1. Log in to Windows and make sure you can access the appropriate VOBs, make sure you can create a local view.
2. Log into the RTC eclipse client as yourself
3.Create the sync process account, give it the appropriate license and add it to the project area.
4. Set up the ClearCase synchronized stream using the sync process account as the Jazz Synchronization Engine User ID
When you finish you should have a new view called DO_NOT_USE_xxx and that view should be owned by the user you are logged into windows as.

I may have missed something in phrasing my original question. If i try and create a user called ccsync the user creation fails as it needs an associated email address that is valid in the "external user directory" that validates it. And because this fails I am unable to assign it the appropriate licence. I am also unable to assign this user an email address of an existing user as it fails as a duplicate. The policy for user validation is not a local setting so cannot be changed. Is there an alternative or way around this?

Hi Dave,
I don't know of any tricks on creating a user. What type of user registry are you using? If it is LDAP you would need to have your domain admin add the account.
It would probably be worth a call to support so they can go over your entire configuration to help come up with a solution.

Note: I edited Cunxia's answer to add some details. Both of the RTC accounts need to be valid RTC accounts, i.e. must be valid accounts on whatever LDAP server that you are using to authenticate RTC accounts. You should talk to whoever manages your build system ... they need RTC accounts to run the build requests under. You need one of those "build accounts"