Different timezone in RTC Project Area as the timezone of the server
One answer
As far as I know, times and dates are converted from the timezone setting on the client machine to the timezone setting on the server. The time itself is the same and consistent. It is the display that is dependent on the timezone.
You would have to set the server timezone to EST to have this go away. Of course then client running on European clients would show times converted from EST to their timezone.
There would be no problem, if everyone would work on Earth Standard Time (e.g. GMT) 8D.
grin Yes, agreed; if everybody would work with the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) standard, or use the GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) timezone, there would be no problem :p
Danny, I believe that to be true. I haven't played with the Due date, but I believe that the information is stored on the server normalized to the server timezone. I have looked at this a bit for some extensions and you basically have to provide information such as timezone and the like to get the date to display.
Please note that the Due date is a time not a date. It is the date and the time relative to the date (e.g. 12:PM).
I am not sure what setting the work environment of the user does. Changing it seems to have no effect when I am testing this. I can not test this right now, but I would assume that the timezone information is read from the operating system.
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