How to list files in a changeSet via RTC-SDK api

I am using RTC-SDK writing a OperationAdvisor to extends RTC.
I have a problem. I want to list all file name include folder in a changeset.
Now: I have IChangeSet, How can I get all file lists in this changeset via RTC-SDK API.
for example:
I diliver a changeset, in the project, I add a fold1 package and a file. It display like below:
How can I get the full path string list via RTC-SDK java API list like below:
Please help me! Thanks!How to list files in a changeSet via RTC-SDK api
3 answers

You may find the following forum post helpful:

Hello Lauren,
I have same issue but not able to find the answer. Please see the post for the API I used to get the name of the files. I am able to get the name of the files but not sure how to get the full path as mentioned above.

I use toFullPath API,
But I found a problem, only modified or deleted files show full path. And files new added only can get file name without path. how can I get get full file path of added files?
1 vote

I'm not sure how. Hopefully Ralph or someone else does.

Yes, I use the code in the program.
But I found a problem, only modified or deleted files show full path. And files new added only can get file name without path, can you tell me how to get full file path of added files?

I guess this is other way around. I am able to get the full path of the file is its added or modified. For deleted files I am not able to get the path.
