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How to get Baseline base via API?

diogo cruz (21812) | asked Mar 18 '15, 5:13 a.m.
 Hi there,

Given the following history of a RTC Component:

Initial Baseline of Component 1
Changeset 1 - some changes to component configuration
Baseline 1 of Component 1
Changeset 2 - other changes to compoment configuration
Baseline 2 of Component 1

Getting the  (actual) configuration from a Stream containing Baseline2 of Comopnent 1 I can programatically fetch via the following statement: Collection<? extends ICurrentComponentInfo> componentsInfo = streamConn.getComponentsInfo().

What I could not find is the API calls which tells me that Baseline2 contains Baseline1 (+changeset), which contains the Initial Baseline.

Thank you in advance.

2 answers

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Vijay Reddy Gaddam (563041) | answered Mar 18 '15, 8:13 a.m.
I think there is no such possibility. But you can use comparison of baselines on component, which results difference of changes from Baseline1 to Other Baseline 2.

Thanks and Regards,
Vijay Reddy.

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Evan Hughes (2.4k1318) | answered Mar 18 '15, 11:49 a.m.
You can create an IBaselineConnection from baseline2, then do a compareTo(baseline1) and looking for incoming/outgoing changes. 

Geoffrey Clemm commented Mar 18 '15, 9:18 p.m.

I believe he was asking how to get "baseline1", if he has a pointer to the current configuration of the stream.   I assume he is asking for what API calls he would make to navigate back in the change history until he finds a change history record that is another baseline.

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