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Replace components with active change-sets

SEC Servizi (97123860) | asked Mar 28 '13, 4:43 a.m.
edited Aug 02 '16, 9:10 a.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)
 We are trying to programmatically create a new repository workspace even with components having active change-sets.
We use a stream as base seed workspace and a repository workspace to obtain the updated components (with active change-sets).
Our first code was:
IWorkspace newWks = scmService.createWorkspace(user, newWksName, newWksDescription, stream, null, stream, null, null, null).getWorkspace();
IComponentHandle[] components = scmService.getComponentsForWorkspace(stream, null);
final int n = components.length;
IComponentOpDescriptor[] ops = new IComponentOpDescriptor[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
ops[i] = IComponentOpDescriptor.FACTORY.replaceComponent(components[i], wks, false);
scmService.updateComponents(newWks, null, ops, true, IScmService.DELTA_PER_INVOCATION, null, null);
but it throws an exception: Source change history era must not have active change sets
So, instead of replace components, we change our code to use drop & add components:
IComponentOpDescriptor[] dropOps = new IComponentOpDescriptor[n];
IComponentOpDescriptor[] addOps = new IComponentOpDescriptor[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
dropOps[i] = IComponentOpDescriptor.FACTORY.dropComponent(components[i], false);
addOps[i] = IComponentOpDescriptor.FACTORY.addComponent(components[i], wks, false);
scmService.updateComponents(newWks, null, dropOps, true, IScmService.DELTA_PER_INVOCATION, null, null); scmService.updateComponents(newWks, null, addOps, true, IScmService.DELTA_PER_INVOCATION, null, null);
It seems odd, but now it works... :)
We cannot use only one array of ops because an exeception is throwned: Cannot have 2 operations on 1 component
In the new repository workspace, the active change-sets appear to belong to ADMIN instead of the original owner... Any advice?
Thanks in advance.

Sonia Dimitrov commented Apr 02 '13, 10:06 a.m.

Could you provide more information around this use case?  Why are components being replaced from the workspace once created?  Why are the change sets active?

Accepted answer

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Apr 02 '13, 12:00 p.m.
Those change sets are cloned because they cannot reference the same change sets from the seed workspace (active change sets can only exist in one workspace). The logged-in user will be the owner of the change sets.
David Lafreniere selected this answer as the correct answer

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