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In the Java Server API, How to list the changed files

Pietro Bottino (35715) | asked Jul 26 '16, 1:41 p.m.
Good afternoon,

I'm developing a new "scm" advisor (Server-side) for to check a specific duplicated file extension on Deliver operation.

With API, I've already retrieved change sets, components, streams, baselines etc. But I've not found a way to list the change files (of Change set). Also, I need to list the components' files.

I've found several articles to retrieve files, but only Client-Side advisors.

Does anyone know how to do this?

Thank you!

2 answers

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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Jul 26 '16, 2:57 p.m.
you have the change set,  so should be able to find the 'changes' from there..

Pietro Bottino commented Jul 26 '16, 4:42 p.m. | edited Jul 26 '16, 4:44 p.m.

Hello Sam.

At moment, I have the code below:

while (changeSetIterator.hasNext()) {           
    IChangeSet changeSet = (IChangeSet);           
    List<IChange> changes = changeSet.changes();           
    for (IChange iChange : changes) {              
        IVersionableHandle item = iChange.item();
The item is my change but How do I get the item name?

David Lafreniere commented Jul 31 '16, 12:08 p.m.

The name of the file/folder is on the full IVersionable object. You can fetch this by calling: VersionableManager$fetchCompleteStates(...)

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Luca Martinucci (1.0k397112) | answered Jul 28 '16, 4:17 a.m.
edited Jul 28 '16, 4:17 a.m.
this code I wrote retrieves the paths of files contained in a change set:

IChange change = (IChange);
IVersionableHandle changeObj = null;
Integer changeKind = change.kind();
switch (changeKind) {
case 1: {
    // added
    addedElement = true;
    changeObj = change.afterState();
case 2: {
    // modified
    modifiedElement = true;
    changeObj = change.afterState();
case 16: {
    // removed
    deletedElement = true;
    changeObj = change.beforeState();
default: {
// element path, starting from the component root
String elementPath = "";
ServiceConfigurationProvider configProvider = ServiceConfigurationProvider.FACTORY.create(findStreamFromEnvironment(deliveryTargetName, repositoryProgressMonitorHandle), changeSet.getComponent());
List<?> nameItemPairs = null;                                           
if (modifiedElement) {
    IAncestorReport reports[] = scmService.configurationLocateAncestors(configProvider, new IVersionableHandle[] {changeObj}, null, repositoryProgressMonitorHandle);
    nameItemPairs = reports[0].getNameItemPairs();
if (addedElement) {
    IAncestorReport reports[] = scmService.configurationLocateAncestors(configProvider, new IVersionableHandle[] {changeObj}, null, repositoryProgressMonitorHandle);
    nameItemPairs = reports[0].getNameItemPairs();                       
if (deletedElement) {
    IAncestorReport reports[] = scmService.configurationDetermineAncestorsInHistory(configProvider, new IVersionableHandle[] {changeObj}, null, repositoryProgressMonitorHandle);
    nameItemPairs = reports[0].getNameItemPairs();
if (nameItemPairs.isEmpty()) {
    IAncestorReport reports[] = scmService.configurationDetermineAncestorsInHistory(configProvider, new IVersionableHandle[] {changeObj}, null, repositoryProgressMonitorHandle);
    nameItemPairs = reports[0].getNameItemPairs();
for (Iterator<?> iterator = nameItemPairs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
    INameItemPair nameItemPair = (INameItemPair);
    String pathPiece = nameItemPair.getName();
    if (pathPiece != null) {
        elementPath = elementPath.concat("/" + pathPiece);
if (elementPath.isEmpty()) {
    elementPath = "<element removed by another change set>";

I hope it helps you.

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