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How can I modify a attribute of 1400 Artifacts in one shot

Erwin Kunz (94687086) | asked Oct 23 '12, 4:03 a.m.
edited Oct 23 '12, 4:04 a.m.

How can I modify a attribute of 1400 Artifacts in one shot in RRC3.0.1.4

The only way I know today, is on the browser to

  • select view 50
  • click select all
  • select one and "Edit the attribute for.."

But for 1400 Artifacts this will take hours..

Any hint?


Accepted answer

permanent link
Muhtar Akbulut (9111) | answered Oct 26 '12, 3:18 p.m.
The only way to bulk update in 3.0.1.x is from the query results table, which is paginated with max page size of 50.
Erwin Kunz selected this answer as the correct answer

Guido Schneider commented Nov 02 '12, 8:21 a.m.

Erwin, have you wrote a enhancement request? Within RTC Query UI you can select "all items". This should also be possible in RRC.

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