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How can I choose which artifact will be exported to Word document?

busra pasali (1015) | asked Jun 30 '15, 4:56 a.m.
edited Jun 30 '15, 4:59 a.m.
I am using 'Create and Print MS Word document' to export my requirements.

But I don't want to export all type of artifacts which are in the module.

For example; i want to see only the artifact which is in Requirement type.

Thanx in advance.

Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jul 01 '15, 1:43 a.m.
Follow the below steps.
1. Open a module.
2. Expand the "Filter by Attribute" section on the left pane.
3. Click on "Artifact Type".
4. Select the desired artifact type(s).
5. Click "Apply". You should notice the view changes with less artifacts shown.
6. Use the "Create and Print" function to export the current view.

To reset the filter, click on the eraser icon at the top right corner of the filter section.

Note that since you filter out some artifacts (probably including headings), if you export the view into "Book" format, it may not look like a book at all. The "table" format may show a bit better in this case.
busra pasali selected this answer as the correct answer

busra pasali commented Jul 01 '15, 2:23 a.m.

Thanks for answer Donald!

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