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Quick information section in RTC shows old names for linked RRC requirements

Lorena Almela (1811617) | asked Aug 20 '14, 1:26 p.m.
client is using RTC 4.0.6. If adding 'Implements Requirement' link to a work item and then renaming the linked RRC requirement, the Quick Information section still shows the old name of the linked requirement. When looking on the links tab the new name is there but Quick Information section continues showing the old name.
Is there any way to synchronize or refresh the link so that it updates to the new name?

3 answers

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Isabel Murakami (3811615) | answered Aug 21 '14, 8:03 a.m.
Hi Lorena, I reproduced your issue using JKE Banking with CLM 4.0.6, I will test with CLM 5.0.

Lorena Almela commented Aug 21 '14, 10:05 a.m.

Thanks Isabel! I've subscribed to the Defect.

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Isabel Murakami (3811615) | answered Aug 21 '14, 9:27 a.m.
Lorena, problem also reproduced with CLM 5.0. I created the defect for this issue.

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Jazzuser user (681050) | answered May 23 '17, 1:32 a.m.

Hello both,

I am still facing the same issue with RTC 6.0.3.
Is this issue fixed ?
Also the small Tool tip that appears, when the cursor is placed on the workitem Id shows the old details itself.

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