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Installing Insight 1.1.1 on Windows error - CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional configurations are needed.

Adrian Daniels (6312120) | asked Oct 10 '12, 5:20 a.m.
I am trying to configure Insight 1.1.1 on a Windows 2008 R2 Server (64 bit).

I am using DB2 9.7 (64 bit), WAS 8 (64 bit)

This is all on a single server.

On the setup wizard on the "Build and Deploy Reporting Components" page on the last step "Wait for the report server to initialize and set the Rational Reporting style" it waits for about 2 minutes and then reports:

"CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional configurations are needed."

This library article talks about the issue but I am having trouble adjusting this to what needs to be configured on a Windows setup - can any one help?

The documentation talks about a 32 bit Database driver but also says that if you are all on one server then even with the 64 bit images the 32 bit client driver will be present.

I suspect that WAS is not using the 32 bit database driver but I cannot see how to check that !


4 answers

permanent link
li yaqiang (19423) | answered Oct 10 '12, 11:32 p.m.
Please check the 32 bits database ODBC driver file is under the WAS's java library path.
You can find the java library path from the native_stdout.log file under the profile logs folder.

Adrian Daniels commented Oct 11 '12, 3:34 a.m.


Thanks for the reply.

So the 32 bit ODBC driver is not in the java library path.

Please can you show me where I set the path is WAS?

I have the console open and have gone to:
Application servers > RationalReportingServer > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine
I expected to find the java library path set here or perhaps in the Custom Properties, but it is not.

How can I add the path to this variable for this JVM ?


permanent link
li yaqiang (19423) | answered Oct 11 '12, 5:37 a.m.
You can put the 32 library file path to the PATH of the Windows system environment variables. Then restart the WAS server.

permanent link
Adrian Daniels (6312120) | answered Oct 11 '12, 4:40 p.m.

I tried that and I still get the same error.
In fact here is the output from the moment I hit deploy on the page of the wizard:

20:13:52,467 [http-bio-10443-exec-24]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0137I: Loading the model
20:13:52,467 [http-bio-10443-exec-24]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0137I: Loading the model
20:14:03,795 [http-bio-10443-exec-24]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0139I: Loaded the model
20:14:03,795 [http-bio-10443-exec-24]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0139I: Loaded the model
20:14:04,513 [http-bio-10443-exec-22]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2024I: Replace the web.xml file and r
elated files.
20:14:04,513 [http-bio-10443-exec-22]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2024I: Replace the web.xml file and r
elated files.
20:14:04,623 [http-bio-10443-exec-22]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2025I: Change the system.xml file.
20:14:04,623 [http-bio-10443-exec-22]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2025I: Change the system.xml file.
20:14:04,701 [http-bio-10443-exec-2]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0137I: Loading the model
20:14:04,701 [http-bio-10443-exec-2]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0137I: Loading the model
20:14:04,904 [http-bio-10443-exec-2]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0139I: Loaded the model
20:14:04,904 [http-bio-10443-exec-2]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0139I: Loaded the model
20:14:04,951 [http-bio-10443-exec-20]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0137I: Loading the model
20:14:04,951 [http-bio-10443-exec-20]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0137I: Loading the model
20:14:04,951 [http-bio-10443-exec-20]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0139I: Loaded the model
20:14:04,951 [http-bio-10443-exec-20]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0139I: Loaded the model
20:14:04,967 [http-bio-10443-exec-22]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2029I: Change and save the Cognos con
20:14:04,967 [http-bio-10443-exec-22]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2029I: Change and save the Cognos con
20:14:14,732 [http-bio-10443-exec-22]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2042I: Configure Jazz Namespace.
20:14:14,732 [http-bio-10443-exec-22]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2042I: Configure Jazz Namespace.
20:14:24,326 [http-bio-10443-exec-22]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2043I: Enabled Jazz Namespace.
20:14:24,326 [http-bio-10443-exec-22]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2043I: Enabled Jazz Namespace.
20:14:24,373 [http-bio-10443-exec-10]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2030I: Prepare to deploy p2pd.ear fil
e on the WebSphere Application Server.
20:14:24,373 [http-bio-10443-exec-10]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2030I: Prepare to deploy p2pd.ear fil
e on the WebSphere Application Server.
20:14:24,373 [http-bio-10443-exec-10]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2031I: Check whether the p2pd.ear fil
e was deployed.
20:14:24,373 [http-bio-10443-exec-10]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2031I: Check whether the p2pd.ear fil
e was deployed.
20:15:04,935 [http-bio-10443-exec-10]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2032I: The p2pd.ear file was already
20:15:04,935 [http-bio-10443-exec-10]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2032I: The p2pd.ear file was already
20:16:37,670 [http-bio-10443-exec-23]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0137I: Loading the model
20:16:37,670 [http-bio-10443-exec-23]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0137I: Loading the model
20:16:37,670 [http-bio-10443-exec-23]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0139I: Loaded the model
20:16:37,670 [http-bio-10443-exec-23]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0139I: Loaded the model
20:16:37,717 [http-bio-10443-exec-17]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0137I: Loading the model
20:16:37,717 [http-bio-10443-exec-17]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0137I: Loading the model
20:16:37,717 [http-bio-10443-exec-17]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0139I: Loaded the model
20:16:37,717 [http-bio-10443-exec-17]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0139I: Loaded the model
20:16:37,732 [http-bio-10443-exec-17]  INFO .rational.rrdi.setup.resources.DWConnectionService  - CRRRA0116I: No dw connection is found.
20:16:37,732 [http-bio-10443-exec-17]  INFO .rational.rrdi.setup.resources.DWConnectionService  - CRRRA0116I: No dw connection is found.
20:16:37,763 [http-bio-10443-exec-13]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0137I: Loading the model
20:16:37,763 [http-bio-10443-exec-13]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0137I: Loading the model
20:16:37,779 [http-bio-10443-exec-13]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0139I: Loaded the model
20:16:37,779 [http-bio-10443-exec-13]  INFO .ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.resources.ResourceService  - CRRRA0139I: Loaded the model
20:16:37,810 [http-bio-10443-exec-10]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2038I: Connect to the report server.
20:16:37,810 [http-bio-10443-exec-10]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2038I: Connect to the report server.
CRRRA3001I: Connecting to the report server...
20:16:38,045 [http-bio-10443-exec-10]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2039I: Log onto the report server.
20:16:38,045 [http-bio-10443-exec-10]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2039I: Log onto the report server.
CRRRA3002I: Waiting for the report server to respond...
CRRRA3002I: Waiting for the report server to respond...
CRRRA3002I: Waiting for the report server to respond...
CRRRA3002I: Waiting for the report server to respond...
CRRRA3002I: Waiting for the report server to respond...
CRRRA3002I: Waiting for the report server to respond...
CRRRA3002I: Waiting for the report server to respond...
CRRRA3002I: Waiting for the report server to respond...
CRRRA3002I: Waiting for the report server to respond...
CRRRA3002I: Waiting for the report server to respond...
CRRRA3002I: Waiting for the report server to respond...
CRRRA3003I: Successfully logged on to the report server...
20:18:49,420 [http-bio-10443-exec-10]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2040I: Set the default style for the
report server.
20:18:49,420 [http-bio-10443-exec-10]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2040I: Set the default style for the
report server.
CRRRA3013I: Setting the 'IBM Rational Reporting' style as the default style for all users...
CRRRA3014I: Successfully set the 'IBM Rational Reporting' style as the default style for all users.
20:18:50,092 [http-bio-10443-exec-10]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2041I: Create the data source connect
ion to the data warehouse.
20:18:50,092 [http-bio-10443-exec-10]  INFO l.rrdi.setup.biserver.service.WasDeploymentService  - CRRRA2041I: Create the data source connect
ion to the data warehouse.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional c
onfigurations are needed.
20:22:25,732 [http-bio-10443-exec-10] ERROR onal.rrdi.setup.steps.DeployCognosToWASStepService  -
tion.RRDIContentsException: CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is install
ed correctly or additional configurations are needed.
20:22:25,732 [http-bio-10443-exec-10] ERROR onal.rrdi.setup.steps.DeployCognosToWASStepService  -
tion.RRDIContentsException: CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connection in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is install
ed correctly or additional configurations are needed.
20:22:25,748 [http-bio-10443-exec-10]  WARN onal.rrdi.setup.steps.DeployCognosToWASStepService  - CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connectio
n in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional configurations are needed.
20:22:25,748 [http-bio-10443-exec-10]  WARN onal.rrdi.setup.steps.DeployCognosToWASStepService  - CRRRA3018E: The RIDW data source connectio
n in Cognos failed to connect. Check if the database client is installed correctly or additional configurations are needed.

Any idea?

permanent link
li yaqiang (19423) | answered Oct 11 '12, 10:12 p.m.
You should put the 32 bits database client ODBC driver library folder before the 64 bits sever's library folder in the PATH.

Your answer

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