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Did not find XML Data Configuration Tool after installing Rational Insight !!

Rahul Singh Bhadauriya (2821720) | asked Apr 02 '13, 2:43 a.m.
I have installed Rational Insight , after installation the following components are installed into the system

It does not contains XML Data Configuration Tool which is required for Integration purpose to other IBM software  i.e RQM, DOORS , CLM etc...

How can i get this tool ?

Accepted answer

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Junli Wang (5512) | answered Apr 02 '13, 2:51 a.m.
Insight has 2 offerings, the other one is called Development Tools, which contains Data Manager, Framework Manager, and XML Data Configuration tool.
Rahul Singh Bhadauriya selected this answer as the correct answer

Rahul Singh Bhadauriya commented Apr 02 '13, 9:15 a.m.

Thank you Junli  Wang!!!

One other answer

permanent link
Rahul Singh Bhadauriya (2821720) | answered Apr 02 '13, 2:47 a.m.
 It also does not contains  IBM Cognos Data Manager...!!!

Can anybody help regarding this issue?

Jackie Albert commented Apr 02 '13, 9:05 a.m.

As Jun Li mentioned, this will be available in the Development Tools which is a separate download.

Rahul Singh Bhadauriya commented Apr 02 '13, 9:14 a.m.

Thank you Jackie !!

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