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Query work items for a given iteration including all sub-iterations

Piyush Gupta (1111) | asked Sep 27 '12, 4:52 a.m.
I need to be able to write a query for work items which runs a query on my selected parent iteration and all its sub-iterations.

This is extremely useful to do as it helps prepare release notes for a PRODUCTION release (parent iteration) that comprises several UAT releases (child iterations). I need to be able to see work items per UAT release so I can tell my users what fixes they should expect in every UAT, but also be able to produce final release notes for the production release which is by definition a list of all items in the sub-UAT releases.

Please could you let me know if this is possible to achieve without manually selecting all iterations and sub-iterations?

I believe work item 99946 was created for this, but I can't seem to find it on


One answer

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Clement Liu (1.5k54349) | answered Sep 27 '12, 10:22 a.m.

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