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How to restore Component Baseline

vinay kumar nukala (4236772) | asked Jul 16 '13, 6:12 a.m.
retagged Jul 22 '13, 4:42 p.m. by Ralph Earle (25739)
I have created a repository workspace and a component. And i made 3 baselines for component, Now, I want to load the 2 baseline in to the repository workspace (in to component).

I have done the following:
1. Right clicked on component and clicked on Show baselines.
2. It showed me 3 baselines
3. On second baseline, I am right clicking, there i cannot find load option.

please help me...

3 answers

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Abraham Sweiss (2.4k1331) | answered Jul 16 '13, 8:20 a.m.
edited Jul 16 '13, 8:25 a.m.
Let me kdnow if the following article helps
See the topic that discusses how to roll back to a known configuration

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Ken Tessier (84117) | answered Jul 17 '13, 6:09 p.m.
See also Replacing the contents of components or workspaces in the information center.  In your Pending Changes view, right-click the component and select Replace with.  Select the baseline that you want to revert to.


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Abraham Sweiss (2.4k1331) | answered Jul 19 '13, 11:51 a.m.
The first thing I would do, is perform a sanity check to see if VS 2008 is supported with the version of RTC being used, otherwise..

This sounds like a defect. Either open a defect by clicking on the My stuff link in the upper right hand corner of this page, then select the workitem tab and then click open a defect.  you will be prompted to relog in with your jazz credentials...or open a service request to engage IBM Support.

QUESTION: As a workaround, did you attempt and decline baseline3 before making any changes?

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