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WAS security certificate

James Cole (9532630) | asked Sep 07 '12, 10:26 a.m.

Hi All,

I would like to get rid of the certificate warning when signing in RTC. Therefore I have used ikeyman to create a keystore file and a self-signed certificate which created sucessfully.

This was then set-up in WAS to use this new keystore.

The key goes appears to go in successfully and when I try to sign-on I do not get the certificate error. However, when I try to shut-down WAS I get the following error. (Screen shot attached) and it will not stop.

SSL error

Has anyone seen this error before?

Many Thanks


James Cole commented Sep 07 '12, 10:28 a.m.

It would not allow me to upload an image. The error is an SSL handshake failure.

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