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601 all-in-one install...JRS/CLM

Mahari Hill (4861179230) | asked Jan 11 '16, 9:45 a.m.

We are migrating to 601 from 502. Tomcat->WAS, and want to also use the JRS/DCC application(s). There are about 30-40 consistent users, and total about 100 users that access the tool (80% RTC, 10% RM, 10%QM).

The machine has 12GB of RAM.
  1. Is this enough, with adding JRS, or should JRS be on a different machine?
  2. Is 12GB enough for moving from tomcat->WAS?

Arun K Sriramaiah commented Jan 11 '16, 10:15 a.m.

Hi Mahari,

What is the current server resource usage, I mean load ( CPU, Memory ) ?

What components do you use in RTC ( Build, SCM, Workitem etc ) ?

Whats your next future road map on the usage and number of users ?


5 answers

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Steven Shaw (55113) | answered Jan 11 '16, 10:35 a.m.

We definitely recommend JRS be on a separate machine so that running reports won't impact the performance of the core applications.  I think the machine you suggest will allow JRS to run, but if you intend on utilizing JRS on many dashboards it may be best to ensure it's on a separate machine.

Alternatively if you are hardware constrained and did install it on the same machine and decided that performance was being impacted over time, we do support server rename on JRS which would let you move it to a different server at that time.



Ralph Schoon commented Jan 11 '16, 10:37 a.m.

Steven, they should set up a reverse proxy in front of their server, which makes server rename unnecessary.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 11 '16, 10:36 a.m.
Please see:
Also see:

Please note that for all I know DCC/JRS and LDX generates a considerable load on the server and need a considerable amount of resources. They should be on their own box.

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Paul Ellis (1.3k613) | answered Jan 11 '16, 10:39 a.m.
Hi Mahari,

If you see then even when using departmental, we're not recommending DCC on the same server as the applications.

I assume also you're referring to WAS Liberty which comes bundled now with 6.0.1?  If so, then if 12GB was sufficient in 5.0.2, then it should suffice in 6.0.1 for now.

Please let me know if you require any further information. This message is scoped to your question and isn't a statement to say that this is an ideal setup.  You may require more RAM, especially if you were to add Global Configurations etc.

Kind regards,

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Chao Wang (235512) | answered Jan 11 '16, 10:41 a.m.
 Hi Mahari,
Here is the sizing guide for CLM 6.0.x, please take a look.

DCC does a lot of parallel work, it can lead to high thread and memory usage, which could impact the other CLM applications.

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Kevin Murphy (9621317) | answered Feb 16 '16, 3:36 p.m.
Please note that for all I know DCC/JRS and LDX generates a considerable load on the server and need a considerable amount of resources. They should be on their own box. 
To anyone reading that comment: LDX currently needs to be installed on the same box as JTS. You cannot have JTS and LDX on separate nodes.

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