RQMI server startup sequence !
2 answers
Hi Gilles,
There is a PDF version guide <IBM Rational DOORs Installing and Using the RQM Interface> which introduced the initialisation steps for setting up in a considerable details.
The version I have is: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/doorshlp/v9/topic/com.ibm.doors.install.doc/topics/installing_and_using_RQMI.pdf
You are able to find the latest download location in the info center: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/doorshlp/v9/topic/com.ibm.doors.install.doc/topics/t_installingrqmiclient.html?resultof=%22%52%51%4d%49%22%20%22%72%71%6d%69%22%20
Please let us know if you have any questions that is not covered in that instruction. I think both DOORs and RQM team will like to add more useful tips and instructions to avoid failures :)
Rational Quality Manager Dev Team
Hi, Thanks for answering.
I was aware of these two inputs.
1) The idea was to get a better understanding of the messages displayed by RQMI application when starting, something like first connect to that, then retrieve that data and the like...
2) As a matter of fact, the problem we had here was very staightforward ("hidden" out of date licence). That was my first idea to check the user accounts (login and password) but I miss the out of date message which could be more visible (bold and red !) therefore I spend a lot of time checking other things...
3) I still would like more input with respect to the way DOORS and RQM are interfaced as long as we are using it. I would like to understand in principle the data model including the Derby interface because the export behaviour may be unexpected with respect to duplicate requirement, deletion and change indications.
4) The problem is... what to do when DOORS export to RQM is not working as expected. How the RQM part may be repaired ?