Loading RFT scripts for a long time in RQM
Currently we are using Rational CLM 4.0.2. We have integrated RQM with RFT.
We are currently uploading RFT scripts in RQM using "Use test resources that are local to a test machine" option
Sometimes, after we upload the scripts, when we navigate to scripts in RQM and click on the test script. there is a loading symbol that persists and the script reference is lost. Please see the screen shot below.
The option that is selected earlier "Use test resources that are local to a test machine" is gone and the above option is selected. When we try to change back to "Use test resources that are local to a test machine" and save, we are not able to save. The script just remains in the "Loading..." state forever.
We have checked this both in IE and Chrome.
Please help me.
One answer
Hello Swapna, I came across a defect with similar behavior as you mentioned above.
More specifically, the behavior is observed if you make any inline changes (i.e., change in "View test scripts" view for example) to remote scripts (scripts imported from RPT / RFT machines through adapter for RQM).
Here is the defect work-item. Let me know if this helps or if you have any questions.
Best Regards
Hi Sunil,
Thanks a lot for your quick response.
Can you please let me know , how can I overcome the situation now .
Thanks in Advance,
Swapna Das
Swapna, You have to avoid editing the test scripts inline (eg: in view test scripts) and instead, open the test script for edit and make changes.
Best Regards, Sunil