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Does "repotools -verify" require that the database be up and running?

Accepted answer

repotools-<application> -verify should be run after shutting down the application. The command attempts to determine if there is a running instance of the server and exits if there is. The database itself can be running. No one should be accessing the data directly from the database. If the application is not running, users should not be accessing the data.
See this help page for more information on the command:
Martha (Ruby) Andrews
Jazz L3 Developer
See this help page for more information on the command:
Martha (Ruby) Andrews
Jazz L3 Developer
One other answer

In order to run repotools verify, the application (Websphere or Tomcat) must be down, but the database needs to be UP.
If it is not possible to stop the app server, you can run the online verify tool (https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/OnlineVerifyTool) which performs similar tests.